Sunday, August 31, 2008

1st Time Daring Baker making Eclairs

So...this was my first month as a Daring Baker!!! This is a group of people online who all make the same recipe...and then post the pics of the results and a few comments about the process. I'm a day late with with posting...but wanted everyone to see anyway!!

This month was an Eclair by Pierre Hermé. It was chosen by Tony Tahhan and Meetak of What's for lunch, Honey. You can see the recipe on their websites. You can also go over to the logo for the Daring Bakers on the right here and check out some of what the others have done!!

Let me say, they were good. Yummy. Rich. And almost too much chocolate for me. My mom and sister loved them. I was excited to make the Pate au choux - which is the pastry for eclairs...or cream puffs. I needed to let some of them cook just a bit more...they fell when I took them out.

I had visions of this being an all day was not. 3-4 hours...not bad for a first timer!!

Below are some pics....enjoy!!

I used Ghirardelli chocolate....

Mixing the Pate au choux

This is my empty the last minute I decided to buck up and mix the flour in by hand with a wooden spoon.

Here it is coming together in the pot...just like the recipe said it would! Have faith!
I used a pastry bag to pie out long rows of the Pate au chox, then froze them slightly and cut...made for more uniform pastries.

They came out of the oven...and looked great, mostly!

And some deflated on me.
glazing the tops of some of them

Final product with the chocolate pastry cream...

On a plate, ready to go!!


Fran Z said...

Welcome to DB! your eclairs look lovely!

Anonymous said...

I can attest -- they were absolutely fabulous! AND, Paige let me have some leftover of the filling (whatever it's called) and I put it on brownies and it was amazing!